Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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Night waves crash into foam silence

Ebb tide sings invisible musical interlude

How it feels after Kampot cement, cycles, horns,

Symphonies of process down all the days

Winging free swiftlets sky

The sea churned all day

Blue green

Fragments of gray blue clouds cover a thin horizon line

Near horizon it was purple

Silver ran inland to meet green blue floating waves

Energy flows toward white brown sand rolling energy

Created banks of white waves

Whitecaps roll tumble crash curl wearing atoms and molecules

A gentle mixture of force and calm eases into sand land

A band of sunset pink tongued with purple sails west into high cumulus

Beach town quiet

Growing empty at May’s end

Long mass of gray clouds dances on horizon

Light fades as swimmers run jump dive into waves

Beach walkers stare inland

Their eyes are lost if they see sea

It’s too much to comprehend

Too vast

Too immense beautiful and complete

Clouds gather mass

Rain song

Waves curl dance

Empty beach



In dreams begin responsibility – W.B. Yeats


Grow Your Soul - Poems from Laos & Cambodia

Author Page


I am the arrow

Kampot river market long ago and far away

Where the bad people hung heads as a warning 1975-1979

Hungry ghosts

Old haunts discover language light zones

Paint with light

Familiar stranger

Vocal chords produce conversations magic music

Laughter’s labyrinth

Meditate on emptiness

Self directed kid

Zen arrow

Talented people hit the target others can’t

Genius hits the target others can’t see



Market light energies

Golden chickens

Silver fish

Lost and confused simple kind locals

Noodle mama mystery buy / sell eye candy

Shuffling teddy bear pajamas sing voice wind

Intersection of Durian fish gold fabric

Blind string man creates haunting music

His daughter leads him by pulling his shirt forward

They wander broken cement market paths

Echo lament notes drift into / through ears

Unconscious ice melts

Dead kind eyes stare at a stranger

Scribbling non-sense data...laughter's memory

Japanese tourists wear black and white cotton elephant pants

Cheaper than ivory tusks

In heavy carry-on emotional baggage

Rain quality

Market energies dance light

Community flow excellence

Relationship b/t you and your experience



Live a meaningful life

Hunter with optics

Breathe and squeeze

No form or substance




You are a stream-winner


Samuel Beckett minimal absurdity

Your begging bowl

Wanders floating world

Memory market hum

Her New World Order

t-shirt danced past...a woman with basket of bread, a woman gently slicing then chopping bacon, a woman scaling silver fish, a woman dividing coconuts, an old woman negotiating passages with her begging bowl, a man carrying bananas on his thin back,

a woman fingering REAL notes, lost humans inspecting hope despair laughter and song,

girls doing a pedicure, a woman polishing red apples,

shadows dancing with impermanence,

spoons stabbing ice, glittering silver stars on a headscarf reflect elegant universe

The world is illusion

Just sitting


One day = one year

One year = one day


Author Page



Sitting. Doing not doing.



Now is eternity

All the unhappy people trapped in vehicles

Laugh with fear, Oh no, you are the teacher (parent #2) we are the student

Forever young

We do our ABCs carefully printing LARGE and small.

Morning light rainbow diamonds dance

On the table

Afternoon light shimmers ice crystals

Lying on broken pavement reflecting

Brilliant light dissolving


Brain filters sensory data to survive

Is it safe?

Ephemeral data structure dissolves in the wake up

Man becomes rational

Experience primitive rich sparkling flood of senses as kids DO

Until normal training and conditioning closes door on other world for good

Feeling synchronicity

No cause and effect

Eye of beholder becomes an integral part of experiment

Microcosm of entire universe

Man is an atom in a molecule in a fingernail of a giant being

Einstein: see you are all part of a fingernail

Grasp the structure of the entire fingernail

Part of the pattern

It’s a comedy



No Matter


Play chess with a French woman in a bookstore



Grow Your Soul

Grow Your Soul: Poems by [Timothy Leonard]



Iceman rings a bell pushing orange wheel cart down Dream Street in Kampot.

He survived The Dark Years ('75-79)

No one ate ice cream then

They ate death, fear, suspicion, doubt, uncertainty

Rice and fish paste if they were lucky
He is lucky to have survived

Now he wanders the river town

Ringing a bell

Enlightenment echoes through hearts minds souls
Survivors cherish bell’s memory music

Flowers at pagoda whisper laughter
Respect love courage dignity compassion

Poem nature symbolic butterflies


Void wheelchair fate
Wheel of Life eats anger greed ignorance

One Hundred Aspects of the Moon - Yoshitoshi

Clowns live on the moon
Flaneur - the sacred prostitution of the soul

Projections of shadow self


You are an experiment of the universe with a free will.

Grow Your Soul - Author page


Dance Wing

Butterfly shadows dance in your face
Street theater drama

Feed Me
said the capable girl of 7 in her blue skirt school uniform

to a parent or teacher telling her what to think

sitting on a cement Vietnamese bench
surrounded by green plants and yellow flowers swirling

bakery aromas of baguettes

French dialect dependency waited for her dwindling courage
Draw the future
Poetry sits with sea sky blue
Black swift lets
Dance wing
Bird’s nest soup
Negotiate clouds

Cut up
Less is more
Old man’s face carries future of child innocence
clean pure radiant

Dream Sweeper
Kep ocean songbird waves islands
sky rain sings green blue purple
white yellow gray sheets
clouds dance

Space is geography
Time is history
Bird song sings wings

A dying caged bird sings Goodbye Blue Sky - I never knew you ...

Grow Your Soul

Author Page