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The Language Company The Language Company
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Subject to Change Subject to Change
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Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
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Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
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Now it happened that


Where art thou O podcast? Dancing inside electron files? Pulling weeds in the garden of secrets? Broken underwater internet communication cables off the coast of Taiwan will be repaired through Jan U Wary. Dive! Dive!

Promiscuity feather. As Cage discovered; classical Chinese language can be classified into "full words" and "empty words." Full words are specific, loose with referential meaning. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are "full." Full words cannot always be determined.

Conjunctions articles and pronouns are "empty." They refer to other terms, "a, at, it."

Mesostic sounds are "brushed." Method, structure, intention, discipline, notation, interpenetration, indeterminacy, imitation, devotion, circumstances, variable structure, non-understanding, contingency, inconsistency, performance, 1 through 6.

800 pieces of space debris dust is created after a Chinese rocket blasted a 500-mile high weather satellite. How will humans weather this? Will global warming rain feather weather shards for 17 years? Alarm bells ring, rang, rung in chasms, the abyss.


unemployed and pregnant.jpg

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